Halfling: Army - EN

Riferimento: MGKWHF101

90,00 €
81,00 € Risparmia 10%
Tasse incluse
Non Disponibile Contattaci : ordini@arteehobby.it

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The Halflings have split from the League of Rhordia. While relations have been rebuilt, the Shirefolk are now responsible for their own defence and have organised their army under the expert eye of Aeron Cadwallader, their greatest modern hero. Combining their engineering talents with their skills in archery and poaching, the trained bands of professional soldiers and their support units pose an unexpected and formidable barrier to any who threaten the peace of the Shires. Contents: 40 Halfling Infantry, 20 Halfling Cavalry, 1 Harvester, 1 Sauceror on Aralez Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.
Mantic Games

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